that does its
bleeping job.
Merciless one-liners & conversational
copy for companies on the rise.

You may now
stop hustling.
(Cue the confetti cannon!)
Because when your site & marketing materials sound like you (but better), you’ll consistently turn heads while turning a profit.
Think: Hordes of folks at the ready, with
open minds, hearts, and wallets—
dying for you to make the pitch.

You may now
stop hustling.
(Cue the confetti cannon!)
Because when your site & marketing materials sound like you (but better), you’ll consistently turn heads while turning a profit.
Think: Hordes of folks at the ready, with open minds, hearts, and wallets—
dying for you to make the pitch.

“When Jess changed one section on our site, we increased new sign ups by 7.2% within weeks.”
“That increase means thousands of new users for us and more revenue down the line. Whatever you need to do to hire Jess, do it. Thank me later.”
— Gavin Zuchlinski
Founder | Acuity Scheduling
Want more business than
you can shake a stick at?
Here. Pick out a stick.

Consultancy &
Live Copy Edits
— $500 per session —
It’s tricky to see your biz’s big picture & lick your own elbow. We lick it for you.
Copy Intensives
— $4,500 —
Link arms with us & get more done this week than you’ve tackled in a year.
Full Website
Strategy & Copy
— $12,000 —
Full sites and/or print projects drafted, crafted & perfected in just 6 weeks.

Oh, hi!
I’m Jess.
The copywriter who wrote those words you’ve seen in the wild…
And the shouty mastermind behind this block party.
From international ads for Nike to regional campaigns for Levi’s Jeans, I don’t just talk a big game — I actually deliver. (Just not pizzas. That one’s on you.)
After cutting my teeth on million-dollar brands for eons, I strolled away from corporate companies in pursuit of clients that give a hoot & lead with heart.
You in? Let’s belt out a rally cry, Captain Planet style.

Peep the fuses we’ve lit — and the results they’ve seen.
Out of hundreds of posts (contributed by multiple writers), 16 of the top 20 blog posts on the Acuity Scheduling site were written by us.
In a blind test against 7 other (much bigger) agencies, our strategic additions & copy changes were the only ones that didn’t decrease conversions.
In fact, by changing just one section on the Acuity homepage we increased their signups for free trials by 7.2% — bringing in thousands of new users.
The #1 most-visited blog post on Squarespace in 2021 was conceived, researched, and written by us.
Working closely alongside their stellar in-house editorial team, we lead the charge on content centered around mental health for entrepreneurs.
It was a huge win that gained the most visits of any Squarespace blog ever.
Our product descriptions for Olive & Olde's nearly tripled their business, and they've hired 3 new employees to keep up with demand.
They went to maker’s markets both with and without the signage we wrote for them, and told us for certain:
When they have our copy at their in-person markets, they make an average of 25% more sales.

“Jess is the best writer in every room. Even this giant one called The Internet.”
“Hire her today, right now, right this very minute before Hollywood steals her, or for that matter, before I do.
(Just kidding, I already have.) Pull the trigger on this one. She’ll change everything.”
— Ash Ambirge
Founder & Author
The Middle Finger Project

Let’s see if we
like each other.
Just circle YES / NO and pass back the note in 7th-period geometry.

Let’s see if we
like each other.
Just circle YES / NO and pass back the note in 7th-period geometry.